All are cordially invited to pray the Rosary with the Elyria Knights of Columbus in the Lower Chapel in front of the Eucharist on Tuesdays during Lent from 7- 8pm, Mar. 12, 19 & 26. The Holy Hour & Rosary will be offered with the intention of increasing vocations.
The Knights of Columbus are hosting their annual Corn Beef Sandwich Drive-Thru at 118 Kipling St. on Thurs., March 14, from 4:30 to 7pm. $12.00 cash.
Brothers in Christ ~ Our Elyria Catholic Cluster of parishes has started a Men’s Spirituality Group. It is named COR (the root word for courage). The next COR gathering will be March 21 - 6:30pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall - 118 Kipling St., Elyria. You don’t have to be a knight to attend. The COR gatherings last about 60 minutes. Hope to see you there. Call John Jurco 440- 371-7665 or Deacon Pat Humphrey 440-323-5539 for information.